"It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story".
― Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind

Welcome to the first option of storytelling!
In this beginning of the narrative process, some help will be provided. So, don't you worry! All you must do is tell a short part of a story.
Don't forget to consider the structure of the story.
On this component you will have the opportunity ​to create a significant part of an existing story, which has been written by a Colombian author. You will have a sequence of images that give important clues about several elements of the story: the topic, some important frames and a general idea of what the story is about.
Besides, you will be able to observe some physical traits of the characters and additional graphic representations of places that have been designed to provide you with tools to enrich the descriptions you may include in your story.
You must choose one of the stories proposed below. Then, you will observe the sequence of the story guided by the following questions:
Who are the characters in the story?
Where is the story taking place?
What seems to be the main problem?
Can you organise the structure of the story?
What part is missing?
After answering these questions, you already have identified the missing part: it can be the intro, the plot, or the ending. Once you understand what´s the missing section, you must create it; according to what is needed: to continue, start, or finish the story. You can use all the clues included in the graphic sequence to propose the missing part of the story.
HUNGER ("Hambre") by Arnoldo Palacios
This story was taken from Arnoldo Palacios’ most renowned book, which has been translated to several languages: Las Estrellas son Negras. A Colombian journalist and writer, Arnoldo was born in Certeguí, Chocó in 1924. His work covers topics mostly related to Chocó´s reality and its inhabitants.
Hunger takes place in Chocó, it represents one of the most common issues that its inhabitants usually go through. The main character is a 16 years old boy, named Irra. He shows readers what his day-to-day is like. Besides, through the story, the writer shows readers some economic, social, cultural, and political problems which permeate distinct areas of social life in this region.
Below, you will find the graphic sequence of the story, where you may be able to see the places and the characters included in Hunger. The key frames will define the main problem of the story, all of them will include the most important characters, and the most significant places. That is to say with the graphics and the Grammar Notes sections you will have the right tools to tell one part of the story.
In each graphic sequence you will see a frame that tells you what the missing part is, the section you must narrate. In this case, the missing part is the ending. Using the tools we have provided in this website, and using your creativity, you will be able to tell the section. Don't forget to take into account all the elements of the story that are shown in the graphic sequence.
Graphic Sequence: Hunger
This sequence of Hunger shows a large part of the story, including the main events. What you must do is to narrate one part of the story: the ending. This, by using the details that have been given in this section. Don't forget to check Grammar Notes section to guide your writing process, and the guide of your teacher.
PLACE: Chocó, Colombia.
AUTHOR: Arnoldo Palacios
BOOK: Las Estrellas son Negras
WHAT do the characters look like?
WHAT do the places included in the story look like?
WHAT seems to be the main problem?
Can you define the structure of the story (what's the intro, plot and ending)?
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ALBUM ("Álbum") by Hector Abad Faciolince
Album is about a family issue. It treats the relationship between a man and his mother. Based on this experience, the reader can reflect on the way society is leaving elderly people aside. Also, to consider her relationship with her own parents.
This short story was written by the colombian novelist, essayist, journalist and editor Hector Abad Faciolince. Born in 1958, in Medellin, Colombia. He started writing at a very young age, when he was just 12. Abad forms part of a new generation of authors that emerges in Colombia beyond magical realism [...]Abad’s literary works often focus on the personality of the narrator and the act of narration in its pursuit of protection and power. The richness, plot, irony, permanent enticement of the reader, the intensity of his stories, as well as the seriousness of the social, historical, and human research behind his confessional narrative, stand Abad as a brilliant recreator of the contemporary Colombian society through literature (Wikipedia, 2017).
Below you will find the graphic sequence of Album. Again, as the previous story you will see some key frames which will help you to define the main topic and an idea of the structure of the story. Taking into account the Grammar Notes section, you may be able to create the missing part and don't forget the physical traits of the characters, the idea of the story and the places shown in the graphic sequence.
Graphic Sequence: Album
This sequence of Album shows a large part of the story, including the main events. What you must do is to narrate one part of the story: the plot. This, by using the details that have been given in this section. Don't forget to check Grammar Notes section to guide your writing process, and the guide of your teacher.
WHAT do the characters look like?
WHAT do the places included in the story look like?
WHAT seems to be the main problem?
Can you define the structure of the story (what´s the intro, plot and ending)?
MAIN CHARACTERS: Faciolince and his mother
PLACE: a retirement home.
AUTHOR: Héctor Abad Faciolince
A la Diestra de Dios Padre by Tómas Carrasquilla
A La Diestra de Dios Padre is a story that represents several Colombian customs, oral tradition and idioms.
Carrasquilla was a very known writer from the XIX century, born in 1858 in Santodomingo, Antioquia. He painted Colombian customs, and in this story he takes characters from reality, highlighting their physical and sociological traits. Besides, the language used in this story is very representative from Antioquia´s peasants. Below, an excerpt of the image he had about himself:
Este servidor de vosotros nació, a más de once lustros sin que hubiera anunciado el gran acontecimiento ningún signo misterioso ni en el cielo ni en la tierra. Fue ello en Santodomingo, un poblachón encaramando en unos riscos de Antioquia. Según unos, se parece a un nido de águila; según otros, a un taburete. Optó por el asiento. En todo caso, es un pueblo de tres efes, como dicen allá mismo: feo, frío y faldudo.
“Mis padres eran entre pobres y acaudalados, entre labriegos y señorones. Como querían que fuera doctor y lumbrera, me pusieron, desde chico hasta grande, en cuanto colegio hubo por esas cordilleras. ¡Pobres viejos!” .
“Fue mi primer maestro “El Tullido”, por antonomasia, protagonista, luego de algún cuento mío” (Mosquera, 2000).
Antioquia´s literature is widely recognized for being the richest literature in Colombia. These stories are usually developed in villages and family tradition.
Source: Mosquera S. (2000). Taller de Literatura a Través de los Cuentos de Tómas Carrasquilla. Universidad de la sabana, Chía, Cundinamarca. Taken from: https://intellectum.unisabana.edu.co/bitstream/handle/10818/5848/128260.pdf?sequence=1
Graphic Sequence: A la Diestra de Dios Padre
This sequence of A la Diestra de Dios Padre, shows the whole story with its main events . What you must do is to narrate the complete story by using the details that have been given in this section. Don't forget to check Grammar Notes section to guide your writing process, and the guide of your teacher.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Peralta, Jesus, San Pedro
PLACE: Antioquia.
AUTHOR: Tómas Carrasquilla
WHAT do the characters look like?
WHAT do the places included in the story look like?
WHAT seems to be the main problematic?
Can you define the structure of the story (what´s the intro, plot and ending)?
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Write your story in a Microsoft Word file.Don't forget to add the title of the story and your name. Write your story according to the next parameters:
Type of letter: Times New Roman
Size: 12
Maximum length: one page
Minimum length: two paragraphs
To save your story just drag your file on the section below and it would be saved in your teacher Dropbox. Your text will be checked in first place by your teacher and next by one of your classmates.
Click here to fill the form