"It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story".
― Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind
Welcome to the section where you will choose the characters and places you will include in your story. Here you have a full gallery of several characters and places. This might help you to choose the main problematic and the topic of the story you want to tell.
So, we are going to give you all the necessary tools to write all what you want to say.
To start click on the sections included into this part, to see all our galleries of characters and places. Also, it is important you know we have two models: the first one is Semi-controlled storytelling. You will find three stories written y Colombian authors. Each one has a proposal to tell one part of the story or the whole story. You can choose any of them.
The second model, is more independant: Free Storytelling. You will have access to two galleries, full of characters and places related to Colombia and Cali city. Once you have choose who is going to be in your story and where the story is going to take place. You can start the writing process.
Please don´t forget to check the Grammar Notes section to guide your writing about grammar elements, descriptions and structure.