"It's like everyone tells a story about themselves inside their own head. Always. All the time. That story makes you what you are. We build ourselves out of that story".
― Patrick Rothfuss, The Name of the Wind
This is the last stage of your writing process. At this point you have already finished your story, you have already explored all the components of our website and your text have been corrected and read by your teacher and one of your classmates. Therefore, don´t you think it is important to share your story? Guess who could be your first readers? Your classmates! You will have the possibility to read your partner's stories and they could read yours.
To do that, once you have the final version of your story, you should drag your file on the edition section. You can go to that section or click on the box below. After that, the teacher will publish all your stories in this page. You and your classmates will have the possibility to comment about other stories, your writing process, the tools on this website and so on. Happy Storytelling!
This site below contains all your stories. they have been organized and posted on Calameo, a website for publishing magazines. We hope you enjoy reading your classmates stories and be proud of yours.
CLICK here to read your classmate´s stories